Terms & Conditions


CrossFit Iron Duke (CFID) Membership Summary:
• Memberships are paid from the date of the fourth intro session or date of joining. Punchcards are a one-time payment at time of issue.
• New memberships can be pro-rated to be brought in line with a regular monthly payment on the first or fifteenth of each month.
• Regular monthly payments apply thereafter on the same day of each month.
• Membership payments are to be paid monthly either via Direct Debit or cash.
• Memberships 30 days past due date will be cancelled. Reinstatement requires payment of monies owed and payment of first month of new membership.
• Written notice of 1 month, must be given to assure cancellation or suspension of memberships. No partial months.

1. Membership

a. Memberships: Monthly payments are due on the same day each month. The first payment can be pro-rated to be brought in line with a regular monthly payment on the first or fifteenth of each month.
b. Payments: All payments are required by either Direct Debit (via WODBoard ) or cash.
c. Right to Modify Payments: If you have a tiered or three-month membership, then CFID have the right to increase your payments at any time, subject to notice.

2. Availability of Facility

a. Class and Open Gym: CFID does provide classes and an open gym facility. Members may use the facilities during scheduled classes and open gym sessions. Operating hours and current class schedules are listed on WODBoard and on our website at www.crossfitironduke.com. CFID reserves the right to change operating hours and/or class schedules at its sole discretion without any effect to this agreement.
b. Limited Availability: CFID may close its Facility for seminars, certifications, maintenance, selected holidays and other hours based on public requirements. If no part of the Facility is unavailable for more than three (3) days (not including Bank Holidays or Sundays) for any reason but less than fifteen consecutive days (not including Bank Holidays or Sundays), except acts of nature or government/national closures, CFID will extend your membership, without any extra payment, for the same period the Facility was unavailable.

3. Freeze Policy for Monthly Memberships

Members may put their membership on hold in one month increments, for up to three (3) months per year. Notice of freeze, must be given to CFID via email at info@crossfitironduke.com at least 7 days prior to the subsequent membership payment. Billing will resume automatically upon end of freeze.

4. Cancellation of Membership by Member

A member may cancel or amend his/her membership at any time with at least a 30-day notice. There are no refunds on membership fees. If the cancellation or suspension freeze, is for longer than three (3) months, then a new contract valid at the time of re-joining will be applicable.

Lost Property

CFID assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. Lost and found articles not claimed after 30 days will be donated to charity or disposed of.

Food and Drink

Food or drink may be taken into the facilities if it is in a non-breakable, enclosed container. Under no circumstances is glass to be taken onto the gym floor.

Supervision of Children

a. Members must be 16 years of age or older unless enrolled in our CrossFit Kids Iron Duke Program.
b. Teens aged 16-18 must be accompanied or supervised by a parent or legal guardian at all times, unless the Kids Trainer is in residence and prior approval has been sought. CFID will be the sole determiner for teens aged 16-18 participating in regular classes. This determination will take into account the following and other factors: physical and emotional maturity; physical ability to safely perform exercises; ability to follow instructions.

Code of Conduct

CFID is committed to the health, safety and welfare of each of its members and staff and will not tolerate unreasonable, threatening; obscene, harassing, indecent or illegal behaviour. CFID has the right to judge behaviour and respond accordingly. This right includes, but is not limited to, termination of membership without refund of any member engaging in unacceptable behaviour.


Members shall pay for any damages to CFID property which results from the wilful or negligent conduct of member, member’s guest, dependent children or pets.

Rules and/or Regulations

Members who do not observe CFID rules and regulations or who abuse equipment in any fashion will be asked to leave. The management reserves the right to terminate membership of anyone who refuses to observe any of CFID’s rules or regulations. Not all rules and regulations are listed in this agreement. CFID reserves the right to add, change or remove rules, conditions of membership, opening and closing hours, and all services and facilities offered by CFID.


CrossFit Iron Duke

How to find us

CrossFit is located on the Aston Road estate in Waterlooville.

Go over the roundabout at Sainsburys (this store will be on your right), and stay on Aston Road.  Aston Road veers around to the right and we are in the top left hand corner, located behind some big black gates.  If in doubt head for Sentry Storage and we are two doors down from them.

023 9217 8810

CrossFit Iron Duke
34H Aston Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7XQ